Operation Subordination
Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary.
Subject to the authority or control of another.
To put in a lower or inferior rank or class.
To make subservient; subdue.


A mod for Operation Flashpoint

Revised Beta 1.0 Release Date: Christmas 2002

Due to the high ammount of questions coming my way I regret
that I can only answer some, and am trying my best to reply



20 new weapons including SA80 Assault Rifle, PSG1 Sniper Rifle,
Saiga Assault Shotgun, Browning 1919 Mounted Machine Gun,
Walther PPK Pistol and Beretta 92FS Pistol

30 new vehicles including AH-6 Littlebird, T84 and T90 Tanks

60 mission strong campaign covering 5 islands and the open sea

Huge offshore naval battles

Naval units include: Battleships, Aircraft Carriers and Submarines

New Naval Map - 14x14 km of open water for incredible naval conflicts

Impressive new radar and sonar features in naval and onshore battles

Increased town size option - all islands towns remastered and
increased in size by 2 to 6 times



Weapon models completed. Some may be offered for download in the coming weeks.

Naval Map completed. It is approx. 50km2, not 14km2 as originally proposed. Aircraft Carrier model being remade as the first one didn't work at all.

Inreased town size option being developed using Resistance. Entire mod being re-developed using Resistance.

Please send any questions or queries to: opsub@yahoo.co.uk
(C)2002 PreliminaryHatred